
We are a team of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilise the church for that mission in Glasgow and beyond.

A Hub To Serve The Network.

At The Gathering we function with a two-entity structure; a hub and a decentralised network of Microchurches. Our Hub equips everyday people to be loving missionaries and effective disciple-makers in Glasgow.
The Hub Team exists to serve the Microchurches, and not the other way around. Everything we do is shaped around serving, equipping and multiplying the Microchurches and new missional initiatives.
Our Hub team also works with other believers further afield in Scotland, in the UK, and in a few other places worldwide - helping establish and grow new Hubs, new teams, new missional initiatives and new Microchurches in those areas too.
If you want to chat, or if you want to start something for Jesus, get in touch:,

  • We exist to call out, equip, empower, and serve the lifeblood of our decentralised network - the Microchurches and their leaders. We see real authority in empowering people to live as missionaries, called to bring Jesus to the people of Glasgow, in the same way missionaries-of-old would give their lives to the unreached people groups of Africa and beyond. All of the people who are a part of The Gathering Network are equally empowered to live out this missionary call - to take ownership of who Jesus has made them, and to the people He’s called them to love.

    The Team you see below are the few who actually live and work vocationally in ministry. They are essentially a bunch of modern-day missionaries, called first to the beautiful City of Glasgow and beyond too; receiving income from individual financial support. They live and work to support, train and empower the people in our Microchurches to live all-out for Jesus, with a bias to supporting our leaders, and equipping new and emerging leaders to get out there try something new for the sake of Jesus.

    We believe in having a small team that looks to empower and bless those living out their kingdom-calling in their roles and spheres of the world; seeing these followers of Jesus as potently powerful children of God, who are empowered to bring Jesus into the places where they already are; not extracting them from where God has placed them, but releasing them to be the church there.

    We are also looking for other Jesus-following fire-starters across the British Isles who are interested in doing something new for the Kingdom - If that is you, get in touch.

Hub Team.






Financial Administrator

Fundraised Missionaries.

Our Co-Leaders Adam & Charlotte operate as modern-day missionaries and, as such, rely on the generous monthly support of financial partners - people who believe in their work and resource them to be able to give all of their time and capacity to what the Lord has called them to.


As a wider community, we commit ourselves to both sharing and giving. We will share because it promotes relationship and breaks the bondage of possessiveness. We believe the western doctrine of personal property is imperfect and needs to be tempered with the more biblical value of generosity and sacrifice. In sharing what we have with others we confess that God is the true owner and that we are only stewards in his vineyard. We will also give, because in giving we destroy the grip of materialism over our hearts because we release the resource, wealth, or possession completely into the control of another. For that reason we will pursue relentless generosity and the holding of all things in common. For this reason we encourage our people to give as often and as generously as they can, and to consider themselves stewards of the rest. Likewise, the collective finances of the church and ministries should set an example in this regard.


Our Microchurch Leaders set an example, to those that they lead, of generosity and sowing into the kingdom work and mission their Microchurch is doing, encouraging the other people in their teams to do the same.
We also encourage our people to give into the Network Hub too, which helps to support our admin team, start new initiatives, support other Microchurches work and maintain training and running costs for our hub activities.
As a network we also give to other kingdom initiatives around the globe. A full update of our accounts can be found on OSCR.

Spiritual Covering. Accountability.